Write or Die.


Living your life in sanity in love and in awesomeness. Why do you feel like you have to be a jerk to everyone you meet. You’re egotistical and a mean person to be around. You can be very fun when you are not being an inconsiderate loser! Well what do you want from me? Why do you intend on driving me crazy? I don't understand why you don't like me the friendly way? I don't know why you are so sociable why you don't like to be nice. Why you don't like talking to people when they talk to you. All I ever get is the head shake, the shoulder shrug, the not talking back. You touch and talk to me like you like you want to be around me like you want to be my boy. But you don't you hate me you want me to die. I can see it on your face. In your ice blue eyes. In your awesome movements that can be stupid but they are always graceful and they attract my eyes to you. I want to sit and stare at you the whole time I can. Why do you not feel this way? Am I not pretty enough am I not skinny enough. Why do you not want me? Why do you hate me? These are questions I want to ask you. I want to tell you about how I feel. About how when I see you I want to run up to you and tell you how much I want to be with you. How I want to sit there and talk to you, with you forever. And how I will always remember you and how I love you. These things I want to tell you everyday. I want to tell you every hour every second. Why not every minute? I don't know I just want to be with you every day. I already see you. Even if you don't see me. Even if you don't want me to see you. I'm there. I want you to want me. I want you to be there talking to me. I want you to tell me that you love me that you want me to love you. This is what you want me to think? Well if you don't then it’s too bad. I want you to know these are the things that are in my mind.


"Move? You're alive. If you want I can fly."

-Buttercup "The Princess Bride"

As Buttercup and Wesley trudged through the Fire-Swamp, Rosary was typing away as usual. Now that her brother was waking up, she may never know what happens. Does Buttercup go away with Wesley? Does Humperdink take Buttercup away from her love? Will that one guy ever find the 6 fingered man who killed his father? Even though she has seen this exact edition of the movie, it still puzzles her. Now the TV went automatically to Sprout. Naturally. As she types, trying to ignore some cartoon, she thinks about her friend Wes. What kind of name is that? Not that it's bad or something but is it short for Wesley? She thought. She didn't like calling people by nicknames she didn't give to them. Oh well. Why even bother? She thought some more and got over it.
Clicking noises from the keyboard arise as words start to form. rosary's brain pulsed with information. What exactly it was, she did not know. So as she typed her thoughts, many noises from around her came to mind. The TV was on Sprout, because of her brother. he watched it with intensity. Her mother's voice from the kitchen also arose with excitement. What she was talking about could not be ascertained, for Rosary could only hear her mom's side of the phone call. She wondered what the other woman on the phone was saying. the babbling of her sister rang in her ears. as she signs off from the online notebook, on thought lingers in her mind.

"It is truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife."
-Jane Austen.

Starting to narrate my life.

The courser flashed for the page was blank. Rosary looked around at the many things that didn't seem to fit. The glass outside on the freshly wet ground. She cocked her head to one side but let the curiosity go. Her mom talking animatedly to Lisa, a childhood friend. As they talk about a bad marriage gone horribly wrong, the telephone rings. Rosary's sister, Lauren, gets up to get the phone. She has a little trouble getting out of the rocking chair (she's totally preggers!) The very awkward conversation turned to Katie, other sister, and her grades. The clicking of the keyboard was getting louder as Rosary was getting aggressive with the typing. She thinks about how she misses her friends and how she wants to stop. Oh well...time to stop for now, she thinks.